1. Position strainer to match flanged connections.
2. When alignment is correct (inlet and outlet headers), flanges can be bolted when appropriate
gaskets are placed between the flanges.
3. When the unit is bolted to the pipes, supports to the strainer should be bolted to the floor.
1. Strainer should be filled with fluid slowly, while venting the air.
2. When the strainer is filled, vents should be closed. Both chambers need to be filled.
3. Rotate hand wheel to the stop. This will permit the inflow to enter only one side leaving the other basket clean and ready to handle the flow should the basket straining become
4. To change over to the clean basket, rotate the hand wheel in the opposite direction until the
stop is contacted.
5. If used, pressure gauges indicate pressure loss. When differential reaches 10 PSI, change to the
clean side.
6. When the dirty side basket needs to be removed, the following steps need to be observed
1. Keep basket screens clean for best performance.
2. Maintain extra gaskets for blind covers and O-rings for quick open covers.
3. A spare basket screen allows for shorter downtime in production
Service Recommendation:
The Duplex strainer is designed for use in fluid handling systems where the flow cannot be shut off for basket cleaning.
Manufacturing Size Range:
1/2" (15NB) up to 24" (600NB)